Thursday 29 December 2016

Journey to the Centre of the Self - An Expedition into the Soul, Understanding the nature of the self and overcoming emotional trauma through holistic healing, spiritual practice and psychology - 4: You Are What You Eat

Quite literally, everything we eat and drink affects our bodies in ways we can even begin to imagine, and this physiological effect has a knock-on consequence for our mental, emotional and spiritual states as well. In fact, it's not just what we consume which affects us, but also the air we breathe, the people we interact with, the places we go and our exposure to certain energy such as concentrated electromagnetic fields from electricity pylons. All of this affects our bodies and our emotions, and I will briefly explain some of the things that I have discovered in the last couple of months regarding this.

As I mentioned in a previous article in this series, I was tested for diabetes, hypoglycemia, anemia, and other such blood related issues which could have contributed to or caused my emotional imbalance; I tested negative for the above, but found that I had sub-clinical hypothyroidism which was so minor that it could not have caused the issues which I faced. After some deep thought and discussion with my wife, we decided to look at other lifestyle factors, and perhaps experiment with tiny changes to see if this helped to improve matters; of course, the first thing we looked at was diet. Despite my blood sugar levels being fine, as well as my cholesterol, white blood count and platelets, I discovered via some articles in the British Medical Journal, that there are in fact many different types of sugars which affect our bodies in different ways. I had been ingesting the most common form of processed white cane sugar in high quantities which, other than registering in my blood test as normal, was wreaking havoc in my system by inhibiting release of certain hormones which was affecting my endocrine system. I immediately changed to organic natural brown sugar in small quantities and noticed an improvement within two weeks, though this extended only so far as not feeling sick in the mornings, not having the sensation of being full of thick, viscous liquid being squeezed with every movement. My next major change was the consumption of a considerably higher volume of water. Dehydration is the most common cause of 80% of all ailments recorded by GPs in the UK according to the BMJ, for it can result in migraines, nausea, muscle pain, hallucinations, mood swings, depression, hair thinning/loss, weight gain or fluctuating weight, dry/itchy skin rashes, stomach and mouth ulcers, weak immune system resulting in susceptibility to infections, and loss of apatite despite feeling hungry no matter how much you eat. I realised that I had experienced many of the above symptoms, and so took immediate action, drinking my recommended 2-2.5 litres (4-5 pints) of water per day in accordance with my height and weight ratio. within two days, the headaches stopped, my ecsthma went away, my energy levels increased and I felt generally healthier which had a positive effect on my moods overall. If there is one lifestyle change I would recommend to every person, and I mean every person as it benefits everyone in the same way, it would be to cut out fizzy drinks and drink more water, at least a two litre bottle every day; it has helped me tremendously and I know it will help you too.

As well as changing my diet to include less processed sugars and drinking more water, I also looked at how the colour of food can also be an indicator of what one needs to heal the body and soul. For this I looked to Indian and East Asian traditions, and the Chakra system which aids in governing the processes of the human body. for those of you who haven't looked at Chakras, they are basically points or vortexes of energy in the body which influence the glands in the corresponding areas. For example, the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, governs one's survival instincts such as the fight or flight response and the need for food etc., by affecting the lumbar system and the adrenal glands and other such internal systems which govern our ability to adapt and survive, while the Sacral Chakra influences our sexuality, parental instincts and aggression due to its link with the gonads, testicles and prostate gland in males, and the ovaries in females. Each Chakra is associated with a colour in the light spectrum due to the energetic frequencies which they emit, thus the Root is Red, the Sacral is Orange, the Solar Plexus (personality, creativity and confidence) is Yellow etc., progressing through green, blue, indigo and violet respectively. with this information in mind, it is easy to see how the Vedic and ancient Chinese traditions came to use red fruit to stimulate the Root Chakra and green or blue fruit to counteract the root Chakra while stimulating the Heart and Throat Chakras. I used this idea to determine which fruits and vegetables to eat; I focused on each of the negative aspects of my health and my thought processes to uncover which Chakras were the most out of balance (either overactive or blocked), and ate the fruits and vegetables of the colours which corresponded to those Chakras. I ate white grapes and green apples to stimulate my Heart Chakra which was blocked by fear and anger emanating from an overactive Root and Sacral. I ate blueberries to improve my eyesight and ease my dreams as they are deep blue like the Third Eye Chakra, and I drank lemon and grapefruit juice to stimulate an under active Solar Plexus for creativity and self confidence. Grapes and Apples help to thin the blood, preventing thrombosis and encouraging healthy cardiac function (helps the Heart), while also relieving blood pressure preventing stress and anxiety (counteracting the Root); Blueberries are rich in Vitamin B12 which stimulates blood flow around the ocular muscles and strengthens neuron-transmission through the optic nerve (helps the eyes), while also stimulating secretion of melonin which is the building block for serotonin and melatonin, as well as dimethyltryptamine from the pineal gland resulting in more regular, restful sleep with vividly lucid dreams (helps the Third Eye); Lemon juice is full of antioxidants and helps to detox the body resulting in good digestive health, clearer skin and stronger hair and teeth, resulting in an increase in confidence (helps the Solar Plexus). This to some may seem like mere coincidence, but in my experience, there is no such thing as coincidence. The ancients knew that colour correspondent food could heal the Chakras, and this is being backed up by modern science, albeit in a different way, and I have experienced this first hand and can attest to the noticeable health benefits of eating consciously in accordance with the Chakra system.

Speaking of Chakras, that brings me to my next contributing factor in physical and emotional illness, energy. I was told by a friend online a long time ago that I have experienced too much negative energy in my past and that it has been stored up inside and stagnated resulting in my generally pessimistic attitude. She told me that I needed to clear this negative energy and suggested Reiki. Reiki is an Eastern practice in which the Master/Healer 'feels' the energy emitted from the Chakras to find out which of them is out of balance, and then proceeds to project his/her energy into those Chakras to restore them to their optimum function. This may sound like new age mumbo jumbo, but the practice (or others very similar) can be traced back thousands of years to Shamanic Healers stretching from Europe to China, from Siberia to Indonesia. I have had only one experience of Reiki treatment, but the intensity of the therapy has convinced me of its effectiveness. I will write about the experience in full in a separate article, as well as other experiences of meditations, rituals and encounters with spirit. Suffice to say that the treatment relieved pains which had plagued me for years, back pain from slouching, chest pain from damaging my ribs as a child, shoulder pain from dislocating the joint two years earlier, all of it just melted away. As well as my physical pain, I also felt my emotional pain slip away, I felt lighter as though a load had been lifted from my chest, and my sadness and anger simply weren't there anymore despite the memories still being at the front of my mind. I felt happy and healthy, as I did when I was with my wife and my friends and could forget the pain, only this time I was present and could perceive the difference. This demonstrated to me that we, humans, are not just sacks of meat animated by electrical impulses, but rather that we are 'energetic' beings also, being governed by and embodying subtle energy on numerous dimensions. This opened my eyes to how people interact with the world and each other. For example, social studies demonstrate that the poorest members of western society live in or near heavily industrialised areas, and that it is in these areas when a majority of crime is committed and where one may find a majority of dysfunctional families. This could be because people with money don't want to live in industrial towns and so the prices there are lower so poorer people can afford to live there, and the only reason they are dysfunctional and resort to crime is due to their lack of wealth, poor education and sub-standard living conditions, however I see it the other way around; such people are poor and uneducated due to the situations they were raised in by the previous generation, but they develop neuroses and become dysfunctional because of the area they are raised in, polluted with chemical fumes and electromagnetic interference from telegraph poles, electricity pylons and heavy machinery in factory buildings, all of which pollutes the body on an energetic level as well as a physical level. This leads to generally poor health, thyroid conditions, obesity, heart trouble, as well as addictions to alcohol, drugs and gambling. The body is unable to heal itself because the internal organs and glands are not working as they should due to pollution and unbalanced Chakras. In contrast, people who live away from industrialised areas tend to be generally more relaxed and friendly, if somewhat suspicious of strangers. families in rural areas appear to be stronger with less domestic disturbances, and addictions are less frequently seen. Of course this is a general overview and there are notable exceptions to this on both sides, but the point remains the same, we are heavily influenced by the energetic output of the world around us.

We are not just what we eat, but also what we say and do and feel. If one were to walk into a room full of strangers, and every person in the room was in a really bad mood, even if they said nothing and sat still in an effort to hide their negative mood, the room would still be charged with their emotions emanating outwards; in the same way, if everyone in the room were excited for an event but had to sit in silence like waiting for a book signing in a Library, then the room would be charged with anticipation and excitement, even if one can not see it on the surface. If we operate on the assumption that people absorb as much energy as they emit, then it is reasonable to assume the by being in the presence of one or more negative people, one is being poisoned with negative emotions and thoughts via those people's energetic fields. This would explain what my friend meant when she said 'too much negativity', the people I was surrounded by in childhood were often drunks and drug users, sometimes violent individuals and criminals, but this energy was counteracted by the positive emotions emitted from other members of family who took care of me, by my friends who didn't know anything about the troubles, by the animals I spent time with. This is another key to my shift in health, spending time in nature; I love being outside, always have; in fields, woods, hills, by steams or by the sea, in the mountains and wherever there is plenty of plant and animal life. I believe that this is because of the positive energy that plants and animals emit, and that this energy has helped to neutralise the negative emotions locked up in my unconscious mind.From a Psychological point of view, this is simply a form of escapism, seeking seclusion in nature to forget the troubles of day to day life. This is incorrect as far as I am concerned, for it is in these periods of seclusion and escape that I contemplate that which has come before, when I can face up to what troubles me and understand it and in doing so, overcome my own issues; and the only reason I can do this is because I have been emotionally and spiritually grounded by the plants, animals and people around me.

In conclusion, I have discovered through my own research and experience that my ill emotional and psychological health has been due, in part, to chemical imbalances in my body, and even further through energetic imbalances resulting from my past experiences and the people I have grown up around. I have discovered that water plays a huge role in balancing the body, even on an energetic level for reasons which are too numerous to list in this article, I instead direct you to this wonderful video from the Spirit Science team: I have witnessed the power of 'sympathetic magick' through the corresponding colours of food with the Chakras and I have succeeded in tempering my emotions by focusing on my physical and spiritual well being and surrounding myself with positive people which has helped to ground me in order to discuss openly and understand internally all that has caused my lack of control. Of course the issue is still present, but it is much easier to deal with lately, and when I feel the stirrings of frustration or anger I can reign it in and keep it in check. Now I must find a way to neutrilise such feelings completely or channel them into other things such as martial arts. I shall continue to look at other alternative therapies and keep you updated on my progress at each step on the journey. Until then, to all of you, I wish you the very best for the New Year. May the Gods watch over you and be with you always.

Enki Endymion. O(

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