Tuesday 29 November 2016

The Other 96% - Introduction to Non-ordinary Reality

"Those who do not believe in magic will never find it." - Walt Disney

I believe the above statement to be true, albeit a subjective truth for it is only my opinion and thus true only to me based on my own experiences. However I feel that the quote should continue to say that for those who are willing to perceive before they believe, magic will find them. Magic certainly found me.
I have long struggled with my beliefs, questioning my own intelligence for being open to such ideas as ghosts, angels and other worlds; even going so far as to question my sanity, for surely others must do so when they learn that I see things that others do not. But time has served in dispelling such self-defeating notions, and as I have grown into an independent adult I have felt my beliefs grow and strengthen in kind. As a baby I would stare at a blank space in the corner of the room and laugh; at what, my mother could never tell, but I knew for I could see it. In my early school years I saw people walking through my parents house who I knew had lived there far longer than we had. I knew that the trees could communicate with one another, and that I could communicate with animals from dogs to birds. Something in my heart told me that we were all connected to each other, "in a circle, in a hoop that never ends" and that sound and motion was far surpassed as a form of communication by what I shared with those other living beings. But it took many years to understand what it was that we did share. The universal picture in my mind became more complicated during my mid to late teens with my first experiences of hostile apparitions; the nightmares began, vivid and terrifying to the degree of persisting after I had jumped from my bed and turned on the light. Dark shadows would skitter across a well lit room, and eventually they became so real that they threw me across the living room, and on another occasion backwards down a flight of stairs. My experiences of spirits and other energetic phenomena have strengthened my conviction that they are real; so if spirits are real then what else might exist beyond the borders of our ordinary reality.

Despite my telepathic link to the local wildlife, I was a child who was grounded in the physical world. I loved natural sciences; I loved reading encyclopedias to learn about volcanoes and tornadoes, tectonic plates and the water cycle, evolution and habitats. I wanted to be a paleontologist because of my obsession with dinosaurs, or to explore the stars and planets through my telescope. My love of science began to move to deeper levels as I got older and I found myself enthralled by subatomic particle physics and quantum mechanics. It was at this time when I read that humanity has come to understand only 4% of the universe in which we live, and that we perceive only 1% of the electromagnetic and acoustic spectra by which it is measured. So 3/4 of what we know of our universe is beyond the limits of our natural perception? I also read that time as a human construct is only linear because we perceive it that way, and that existence without time is happening all at once, the past, present and future occurring simultaneously. I found all of this utterly amazing, for it opened up a whole new way of thinking about who, what and where I was in this infinitely vast and ever expanding cosmos. The strange experiences I had had up to that point in time didn't seem so strange to me anymore, because maybe the people I had seen in our house were just existing in another time which I could somehow glimpse due to some quantum "screw-up" disrupting the continuum of space-time? And maybe the connection I had with the animals was due to some kind of interaction between my electromagnetic field and theirs resulting in subtle changes in my brain waves? But the thing that really wowed me and forced me to rethink what I had come to know so far: the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, that which suggests that the physical world only exists when you are observing it.

The old question, "If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?" began to make so much more sense to me, for if there was no one near enough to hear the tree fall then the real question becomes "was the tree even there in the first place?". This led me down the rabbit hole of Mind-Over-Matter Theory and Multiverse Theory and Chaos theory and so many other mind bending theories laid down by some of the most enlightened minds of our age; and the further down the rabbit hole I ventured, the more I began to believe that my previous experiences were due to so much more than simply bio-electricity and magnetism. It all culminated in my introduction to the Unified Field theory proposed by Einstein, the suggestion of a source of pure energy created by combining or unifying the four types of gravitational energy. This source of energy is thought to transcend all physical laws and move outside of three dimensional space-time, existing in every possible location at every possible moment in a state of ultimate superposition and thus existing within, around and beyond absolutely everything that has existed or ever will exist. This sounded remarkably like how God is described in each of the holy scriptures. This was my first step into the realm of spirituality and religion, where I would hang perpetually between it and the realm of conventional scientific rationalism, even to this day. As a result I have developed a system of belief premised primarily on faith rather than empirical evidence, but with application of scientific reasoning to attempt to adequately explain the phenomena that I experience. I do not attempt to diminish the experiences by explaining them away with logic and rationality, but instead attempt to combine scientific theory and spirituality to explore the other 96% of the physical universe in order to better contemplate that which may lie beyond it.

I believe that the other 96% of the universe, that which we cannot perceive with our senses nor measure with our limited array of instruments, is where all paranormal phenomena comes from; ghosts as either glimpses of living people across non-linear time, or as traces of subtle energy made manifest under certain environmental conditions; angels and demons as powerful waves of energy as yet unknown to science and guided by disembodied consciousness; apparitions of other worlds under the influence of psychotropic substances due to a shift in brain activity to allow us to perceive higher or lower frequencies of vibration... All of these things can exist if we simply accept the fact that we know next to nothing about our world or the way it works. In later articles I will delve into the various aspects of magic, or Magick as I prefer to spell it, mythology, otherworldly creatures, religious doctrine, the nature of the soul, reincarnation and other spiritual experiences, much of which I have experienced first hand. I will also discuss the amazing capabilities of the human mind and body and the innate potential for real practical Magick in every person. But for now I must retire, for the hour is late and tomorrow promises to be a full day. Best Wishes to all. Namaste.

Enki Endymion.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating and interisting, I would have to say I agree with you!
    Blessed be!
    Freya Rose
