Tuesday 29 November 2016

The Author's Voice

Hello fellow wanderers, welcome to my blog. For anyone interested in the content of my articles, it may be worth my explaining a few things about myself, my beliefs, my experience etc. just to add a bit of context behind my posts.

First and foremost, I AM a thinking, feeling, flesh and blood human being from the North West of England. I have a somewhat complex personality with many different sides; as Plato would have termed it, I am somewhere between an Octohedron and an Icosahedron. I read a wonderful article some time ago which discusses this very concept; you can find it here: http://thespiritscience.net/2014/06/24/the-sacred-geometry-of-personality-thought-and-feeling/
and I definitely recommend reading the Spirit Science articles and also checking out the Youtube channel.

Moving on, I AM a deeply spiritual person, though my love of the physical Universe and everything within it has led me to have a profound interest in groundbreaking science, particularly in the field of theoretical quantum physics. I operate in a my own sphere of existence based upon a "mind over matter" philosophy; anything that we can imagine is possible, and no problem or obstacle is too great to overcome, no dream to grand to pursue. I believe that if we can dream it, we can do it. Some might say that this is naive, maybe even childish, but when this philosophy is applied with a strong will, a sharp focus and a true heart, magick happens. I, along with my wife and close friends, am a practitioner of magick in the classical sense. I intend to write in depth about what magick is and how it works so please stay tuned. Suffice to say that ever since I opened my heart and mind to the impossible, everything I have ever asked for from the Universe has been granted to me by divine providence.

I have experienced great pain and sorrow through my life, but from the hardships I have learned resilience, and more importantly compassion. Alongside my scars I also bare great love of all living things, people, animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers, rocks and crystals; even the invisible, microscopic beings which stow away in my body and cause me illness, for they all serve a purpose, they all operate within their own version of consciousness and strive to be something greater that what they are. It is my belief that humanity as a species has so much to learn from the smallest forms of life, those things which we deem to be inferior to ourselves, for we too must strive to be better; that does not mean that we should strive for more resources to exploit, or more land to own, or more trophies to collect for our personal aggrandisement, but we should strive to expand our understanding of the world in which we live by integrating with it, becoming one with the Earth instead of pulling her apart. Many of the ills of the world are propagated by humanity's lack of understanding of the sacred and fragile nature of which we are a part, and I believe that by helping people to look at the minutest details, the everyday things we miss and overlook, to help people to appreciate the wonder and beauty of the world, that I might contribute to an evolutionary step forward towards a brighter and more peaceful future. People need to remember how special the world is, how special they are, remember our true purpose in this world, to return to the role which we originally played before we lost our way, our role as the caretakers of Eden, the children of the Gods and thereby Gods in our own right. To do this, the rift between the worlds of science and spirituality must be healed, their differences reconciled, and those elements of each which do not serve to consolidate our peaceful co-existence with all other life must be stripped away and cast off with the fetters of ignorance and fear into the mists of history. That is what this blog is about; that is what I AM about.

I hope that you will join me in my quest, and that you will find something within my words which resonates with your soul, something which confirms in your heart and mind that which you have always wondered but never put your finger on. I hope that you find my articles informative, enriching, life affirming, consoling, mind-expanding, or even just an enjoyable read. Whatever you glean from them, I wish you luck and safety on all of your wanderings, wherever your life path takes you. Peace and Love to all. Namaste.

Enki Endymion.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice introduction,
    Awesome blog ^_^
    Freya Rose
