Wednesday 18 October 2017

Ode to Odin

Odin, Who is the wild wanderer, wise,
From Bor and Jord, you took your rise,
With Villi and Ve, great Ymir slain,
By brothers' hands, his blood did rain
In Ginnungagap to form the seas,
And from his hair you fashioned trees, 
And mountains grown from jagged bone,
Thus Midgard born, our earthly home.

Great Odin, Lord of knowledge, Hail!
From hearth to Helheim, you travail,
One eye you gave in sacrifice,
To guide the blind towards the light,
With Thought and Memory close at hand,
And faithful wolves to scour the land,
And sacred Gungnir at your side,
Leave no quarter for truth to hide.

King of warriors, swift and strong,
Hero of many a mead-hall song,
Conqueror of frost giant foe,
Standing firm through Niflheim snow,
Great architect of Fenrir's bonds,
Sole wielder of the magick wand,
Unraveller of the Norns' great ill,
Who hung yourself from Yggdrasil,
To know the Runes for Gods and man,
Oh banisher of Jormungandr.

The Allfather of man and maid,
And in whose name all debts are paid,
To you I offer praise and love,
To Asgard's golden halls above
Old Ymir's skull, that darkening sky,
For crops and cows and men must die.

But until that day when last we meet,
At Vallahah's lofty seat,
I'll fight my best, and come what may,
Find glory on my dying day,
For when Lord Heimdallr sounds the call
For Ragnarok, and one and all
Vacate the homes and take up arms,
To fight for kith and kin and farms,
I'll be there too, to honour you,
Let Baldr's sacrifice be ours.

When Fenrir breaks his bonds at last,
And Midgard to the dark is cast,
And Baldr wakes from Hel's repose,
As Volva's prophesy supposed,
Through me your legend shall endure still,
From birth to birth, as was your Will,
And in your name I will prevail,

Praise be to Odin, Allfather, Hail!

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